Privacy policy

Updated July 2, 2024

1. Introduction and contact details

In this integrity notice, Rensa Filtration explains how your personal data is processed when you (i) visit our website, (ii) subscribe to our newsletters and information, and/or (iii) are a representative of one of our customers and/or supplier companies. Your integrity is important to us; we therefore encourage you to take the time to read this privacy notice carefully.

Rensa Filtration is the data controller and thereby responsible for the processing of your personal data carried out by us or on our behalf. If you have any questions regarding the processing, you are welcome to contact us using the contact details provided on the website.

2. What personal data do we process?

Personal data is all information that may be associated with you as an individual. Rensa Filtration processes different data about you depending on the relationship we have with you, as explained below. If you are a website visitor, we process the following data about you:

  • Information collected via cookies such as IP address, device type and website interaction (pages viewed, content consumed, etc.) – for more information, please refer to our Cookie Information.

  • Information submitted by you in a survey or competition we have on our website or in one of our other communication channels (such as contact details or competition entry)

  • Contact details in case you have completed a contact form, e.g., for the purpose of downloading material such as a handbook, an article, a case study, etc

If you are a subscriber, we process the following data about you:

  • Email address you've entered in order to receive our newsletters and information

  • If you are a representative of one of our customer and/or supplier companies, we process the following data about you:

  • Name and contact details

  • Information relating to the company (company name, contact details, your role at the company, billing information, etc.)

  • Information and communication relating to the company relationship (e.g., ordered products and services)

  • Social security number (in case the company is a sole trader)

In addition we will, regardless of which category above you belong to, process data that you send to or receive from us via customer service or otherwise contact Rensa Filtration or one of our employees.

Rensa Filtration may also occasionally collect information from publicly available sources and third parties, such as social networks and marketing companies. For example, if you log in to Rensa Filtration's website or services using your social network account, Rensa Filtration may receive basic information about your social network profile.

3. For what purposes do we process your personal data?

We use the personal data listed above for the purpose of:

  • Providing and improving our website: We continually strive to improve our website content and, therefore, use cookies and other similar techniques for statistical purposes to compile anonymous, aggregated statistics that allow us to understand how visitors use the website and increase user-friendliness.

  • Improving and adjusting the user experience: We may create group profiles or segments for the purpose of creating anonymous, aggregated statistics about the use of our websites, products, and services in order to identify features that could be improved and to provide context-based advertising to certain groups (data collected for these purposes is not used to identify a particular individual but to analyze how individuals in general or how certain groups use the website or services).

  • Sending marketing material: We are sending newsletters and other information you've signed up for, as well as marketing materials (note that you can always opt out of marketing via an unsubscribe link included in each message).

  • Communicating with you: We may send updates and information about Rensa Filtration, event invitations, exhibitions, industry thought pieces, etc.

  • Asking for feedback: We may conduct surveys to gather feedback and improve Rensa Filtration and our offerings to customers.

  • Administering the relationship: We value our relationship with the customer and/or supplier company you represent, and we need to communicate with you, for example, regarding orders, products, or services.

  • Communicating with you: If you have any complaints or questions about our offerings, products, or services, we will process your request (note that if your request or inquiry requires it, we may ask our sales representatives to contact you, and such sales representatives are usually independent companies).

  • Customer service: We continually strive to improve our customer service, and your information/feedback helps us respond to your customer service requests and support needs more efficiently and effectively.

  • Sales: We may use your data to follow up on sales leads and interest in our products and solutions (usually done via contact forms).

  • Targeted advertising: We or our advertising partners may display content or advertisements to a website visitor. For example, a visitor may see a Rensa Filtration advertisement (a recently viewed product on our website) on an advertising partner's website. We use cookies and other similar technologies to display such personalized adverts based on, for example, your browsing, purchase history, or log-in information. 

4. When is your personal data erased?

We retain your data as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes above; thereafter, it is erased. If you are a representative, we keep your data as long as you are the designated representative of the company you are representing; thereafter, your contact details are replaced with the new representative's contact details. If you subscribe to our newsletters and information, we keep your data in order to provide you with such information as long as you have not opted out of the newsletters (you may always opt-out using the link included in all emails).

For information about how long we store information collected via cookies, we refer you to our Cookie Information

5. With what legal basis do we process your personal data?

A majority of our processing is carried out based on a balancing of interests. This means that we have a legitimate interest in processing your data and doing it in a way that doesn't interfere with your privacy. For example, our legitimate interests consist of the following:

  • Fulfilling the agreement we have with the company you are representing as well as administrating and maintaining a good relationship with such company. For that purpose, we have a legitimate interest in communicating with you and providing you with relevant information.

  • Providing relevant information, newsletters, and marketing.

  • Providing our website and performing statistical analysis of website usage in order to develop new and relevant functions. 

6. To whom do we disclose your personal data?

Your personal data may be shared within Rensa Filtration and disclosed to other Rensa Filtration group companies for the purpose of leading, planning, and organizing the work and to external parties outside of Rensa Filtration (e.g., parties providing services to Rensa Filtration, such as distributors, agents or suppliers). The companies we disclose data to are only allowed to process your data per our instructions, and by way of agreements, we ensure a high level of security for your personal data.

We will also disclose your data to authorities if it follows from a legal requirement or administrative decisions or if Rensa Filtration is involved in a merger, acquisition, or sale of all or a portion of its assets.

Should we transfer your data to external companies outside the EU/EEA, we ensure that appropriate security measures have been taken, such as including the EU Commission's standard contractual clauses for data transfers (which are available on the EU Commission's website) in our agreements with the parties accessing personal data.

7. Your rights in connection with our processing

7.1 Pursuant to applicable data protection legislation, you have the following rights in connection with our processing of your personal data:

  • Right of access

  • Right to rectification

  • Right to erasure

  • Right to restriction of processing

  • Right to data portability

  • Right to object to our processing of your personal data.

  • Right to withdraw your consent: a withdrawal will, however, not affect the lawfulness of processing based on your consent before its withdrawal.

  • Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority if you consider that our processing does not comply with the applicable data protection legislation.

7.2 Some of the rights above are only applicable in certain situations. In case you would like to exercise any of your rights, please contact us via the contact details provided on the website.

7.3 If we make any changes to this policy, we will publish the new version on our website. The most recent version is always accessible on the website, and we, therefore, encourage you to look at it periodically to ensure that you are aware of our processing of your personal data.

Cookie Information

Like many other websites, we use cookies to obtain certain types of information when your web browser accesses some of our web pages. Cookies themselves do not identify the individual user, just the computer used.

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